I.S. 117
Elementary (Ages 6 - 9)
- Homework Help
- Recreational Activities
- Basketball, Dodge Ball, Volleyball
- Arts and Crafts
- Computer Classes
- Literacy and Math Skills
Middle School Students (Ages 10-13)
- After School Programs 2:30 - 6:00 Monday - Friday
- Boys Basketball (Beacon Team / Open Gym)
- College Readiness
- Beacon Baseball Team
- Flag Football
- Community Youth Group
- Baseball League
- Volleyball
- Baseball League
High School (Ages 14-20)
- Youth Council
- College and Career Counseling
- Summer Youth Employment(SYEP)
- Boys Basketball
Adult Education
- ESL Class Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30PM
- Computer Classes (Level I and II) Monday - Thrusday 6:00 - 8:00PM
- CDA (Day Care Process and Training) Inquire within
- Karate (Kwo Kido Ryu)
- Tai-Chi (All Ages)
View Larger Map
- Choices and Community Beacon at MS
1865 Morris Ave. Bronx,NY, 10453 Tel. 718.466.1806 Fax.718.466.1849 - E-mail: wuribe@acdp.org